Since its formation, the Foundation has been working in cooperation with over 200 of the most eminent Tibetan classical knowledge and arts lineage holders, scholars, and physicians at monasteries, nunneries, and places of learning throughout India and Nepal, with distinguished artists in the major arts communities of central and east Tibet, and with over 160 collection holders internationally.

The Foundation has trained multimedia recordists and librarians from places of learning throughout India, Nepal, and in Chengdu (China), established a regional network of multimedia recording centres and multimedia libraries, and cooperatively created one of the world’s largest multimedia digital archives of classical Tibetan culture, knowledge, and arts.

The archive (photo above) contains over 25,000 hours of detailed oral commentaries to classical texts and teachings given by eminent 20th and 21st century Tibetan masters and scholars and more than 2,000 hours of video documentation of the classical ritual arts traditions.
These learning materials are available for study in two online study resources:
Archive and Multimedia Study Resource
One of the world’s largest multimedia digital archives of classical Indo-Tibetan cultural resources

Masterworks and Artists Training Resource
The first online training resource for classical artists and a gallery of exemplary works from the world's leading museums and private collections
The Foundation’s resources are freely available for study online, regionally and internationally, and also distributed on hard drives to the Foundation’s partner network of monasteries, nunneries, and places of learning regionally.